Shirley Hendrick Award Recipient

Brian Cameron

2022 Recipient

Brian Cameron

Associate Dean for Professional Graduate Programs and Executive Education in the Smeal College
of Business at the Pennsylvania State University

Brian Cameron is the Associate Dean for Professional Graduate Programs and Executive Education in the Smeal College of Business at the Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining Smeal, he was the Founding Director of the Center for Enterprise Architecture in the College of Information Sciences and Technology. Dr. Cameron was awarded the NPA Career Achievement Award in 2011 for efforts related to the founding of the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations, the building of the Center for Enterprise Architecture, and associated service to the enterprise architecture profession.

In his current role as Associate Dean for Professional Graduate Programs and Executive Education, Dr. Cameron led the rapid growth of the Smeal professional graduate portfolio from the four master’s programs and one online graduate certificate, representing approximately 300 students, in 2015 to an integrated portfolio of 17 masters programs, an Executive Doctor of Business Administration, and 14 online graduate certificates representing over 2,600 students. Professional master’s programs include inter-college collaborations with several Penn State colleges and campuses. Dr. Cameron is leading the design and implementation of many organizational and pedagogical innovations that includes an integrated professional graduate portfolio that facilitates degree stacking and a high degree of choice and flexibility for students. He led the formation of new faculty and departmental governance, compensation, and budgeting structures for professional graduate education. Dr. Cameron is leading a marketing strategy initiative, in collaboration with Smeal marketing, to better position the evolving portfolio of professional graduate programs in the increasingly competitive marketplace.

He has reorganized the MBA program office structure to create a professional graduate education programs office that provides shared services across  programs. Shared services include recruiting/marketing, admissions, advising, student organizations, diversity, mentoring, tutoring, career services, employer relations, and alumni services. Part of this restructuring included the creation of a Director of Excellence in Teaching & Learning for the professional graduate
portfolio to oversee many dimensions of quality related to growth and scaling, curriculum improvement, and faculty development.

Dr. Cameron is in the process of reorganizing and integrating the non-credit Penn State Executive Education unit with the Smeal professional graduate programs office and is currently leading a team researching innovative pedagogical approaches for online and hybrid graduate professional education and non-credit executive education. Dr. Cameron was appointed to the Transforming Education Task Force for the Future of Online Learning and World Campus and was selected to attend the Big 10 Academic Alliance’s Academic Leadership Program in 2018. His work has been the topic of several articles in BizEd, the publication of AACSB, the international business school accreditation body. He is very active in the professional graduate education community and is a founding member of the Consortium for Online Graduate Business Education and serves on the boards of the MBA Roundtable, the Executive MBA Council, and the Business Architecture Guild.

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